Saturday, October 1, 2016

Overthink Much?

If you were to look up the word "overthink" in a dictionary, "Lindsay's brain" would come up in the description. Seriously, I overthink everything: my relationships, things I've said to people, things I've done, every little thing. My supervisor offered me a pop tart at work the other day and I thought about what that meant for a good 15 minutes. Does he think I'm hungry? Does he like me more than the other lifeguards? Do I look like a pop tart type of person? If I don't want it, should I still accept it? Is it rude if I tell him I don't want it? Will that damage our relationship? You get the gist. It doesn't help that all I do at work is sit on the guard stand and stare at people. There's lots of time there for thinking and boy, do I! I think another contributing factor to my overthinking is my introverted personality. If I suddenly get really quiet, I'm probably overthinking. 

I'm trying to snap out of it though because I realized this week just how twisted my thoughts can get. I have this friend who I haven't seen in a couple weeks and my crazy brain led me down this path to the thought that he was annoyed with me or he didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I explained my thoughts to my roommate/best friend and she pointed out to me how dumb that was. I realized that I was wrong, but I still couldn't shake the feeling. So I decided to take action and pretend like we were friends again and, guess what. We're still friends! We hung out and it was like nothing had changed at all and I realized that the only thing that had changed about our friendship was in my head. 

SO. I am going to make a commitment try to catch myself when I start to overthink. If I have a thought like, "Oh, this person doesn't like me because I said this," or "I am the worst because I did that," I'm going to stop myself. I'll take that situation and act like someone did/said that to me and I'll probably realize that it's not such a big deal. Most of the time, we beat ourselves up about things we do that we would never judge someone else for. I'm still working on it though and I'm wondering: Does anyone have any other suggestions for how to combat overthinking? I'd seriously love to hear them!  

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