Friday, October 7, 2016

Bravery or Stupidity?

I can't seem to stop thinking about this question: Am I being brave, or am I being stupid? It might seem obvious in some cases, but not so much in others. For example, if you decide to go cliff jumping for the first time, is that bravery? I guess it depends on the circumstances. If, by doing it, you're conquering your fear of heights and you've thought it through and you know that you probably won't die, then maybe it is brave! But if you don't think about your actions and their consequences at all, is it still bravery? Or is it stupidity? Maybe it's both? Maybe bravery requires a little stupidity because the logical mind doesn't like to take risks?

I'm starting to think that bravery doesn't necessarily mean that you have to risk your life, but you do have to risk something. But that brings me back to the whole stupidity thing. It might be stupid to risk it if you're not going to potentially gain something from your actions. For example, if I finally decide to tell my friend that I like him, I'm risking our friendship for something that could be potentially better. But that's the thing: it might not work out and maybe it's stupid to put a good friendship at risk for that. Then again, maybe it's the right thing to do for growth.

This post is really just a lot of thoughts swarming around in my brain that I'm having a hard time organizing. Bravery is such a complex topic and I'm kind of regretting even writing about it because I don't want to simplify it too much. I don't think there's a formula for it, or even a line that can be drawn between bravery and stupidity. It's fuzzy and, when it comes down to it, everyone will probably have their own interpretation or definition, but ultimately, here's what I think: To be brave, you are seeking to risk something for some kind of worthwhile improvement to your life or the lives of others. Now that I've gotten this sort of soft conclusion, I'm going to try to apply it to my life more. If I'm ever having a hard time making a decision, I'll ask myself if it will positively influence myself and/or others. I'm also going to try to listen to my intuition more because if I'm in tune with myself, then I'll probably be able to make better decisions for myself. What's your definition of bravery?

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay, Thank you so much for posting about this topic! It is often something that I think about in my life. I think it's no coincidence that I think about this most when I am about to do something that could turn out really bad if something goes wrong. I remember having this debate with myself very clearly before I decided to leap from a very large cliff into a dangerously cold lake superior earlier this year. That probably was not bravery haha. But I think bravery and courage are inseparable. When I think of Bravery and Courage, I think of sacrificing yourself or something you want for a bigger cause, or a larger purpose. I feel very similarly to what you do. While I was reading your definition I thought of Joseph Smith Jr. Everything he went through was incredibly brave, and for a much larger purpose than himself. But like you said, this is such a complex topic. Thanks again!
