I'm in Moab, Utah right now with some of my best friends. They went skydiving and I stayed on the ground.
A couple weeks ago, my friend Michaela brought up the fact that it was going to be her birthday soon and she wanted to do something big. Skydiving. I have never ever ever ever wanted to go skydiving. I hate heights. It did not sound like a good time to me so I said that I'd go along, but I was not jumping out of a plane.
So there we are at Skydive Canyonlands at 10:30 am and all my friends are up in the sky and I start to get major FOMO (fear of missing out, if you didn't know). Why was I being such a chicken? When they finally came down, all of them were so stoked on the rush of it all. I was so jealous.
So I decided that I would do it. Not this year, because it is so cold now, but next spring, I plan to.
I think that it's ok that I didn't go this time. I wasn't ready and I might not have enjoyed it because I hadn't mentally prepared myself. But now that I've seen it happen and I actually have the desire to do it, I think I'm ready.
It's ok to not be ready for stuff, whether it be skydiving or whatever you're thinking of right now but feel too scared to do. But once a part of you actually wants to go do that thing you're scared of, you should work up the courage to do it. I don't actually know 100% what I'm talking about because I just realized today that I actually do want to skydive, but I think it's important to do things that you want to do (ya know, as long as it's moral and good and stuff). And doing things that scare you helps you grow.
This was an awesome post! I went skydiving just before fall semester and it was crazy! You definitely should do it. That's way cool you have the desire to do it. Thanks for the boost in confidence to do hard things. I am debating on whether to do something scary, yenno like tell a boy I like him, which doesn't seem like a big deal, but doing it will help me grow! Thanks for the reminder!!!