Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hi, I'm INFJ. What are you?

On Thursday, I took the Meyers-Briggs "16 Personalities" quiz and it COMPLETELY ROCKED MY WORLD. I don't know if I'm just really behind the times, but it was probably the most accurate personality test I've ever taken (and I reallllllly like personality tests). How have I never known about it before? If you haven't taken it, I highly recommend it because it's just so eerily spot on.

So this personality test asks you a bunch of questions about yourself and you rate how much you agree or disagree with them. Then, the results tell you about 4 categories: if you are Introverted or Extroverted, use iNtuition or Sensing, favor Thinking or Feeling, and if you're a Judger or Perceiver. Then these words make up your personality's acronym. So, I'm INFJ, meaning I'm Introverted, iNtuitive, favor Feelings, and a Judger. They give an explanation for what each word means and to what degree you do those things. Then they have pages and pages of explanations about your personality type in relationships, friendships, as a parent, your role in the workforce, in the world, etc. It's so interesting! So, if you're looking for a way to get to know yourself better, I suggest you take this test.

I learned that my personality type is pretty rare. Only about 1% of the world has it so, yeah, I'll be signing autographs after this (lol). But seriously, when I was growing up, I always felt kind of different from most of the kids my age. I felt like I was supposed to be an extrovert, but I just couldn't do it. I felt like maybe something was wrong with me because I often felt drained of energy after a social gathering and just wanted to go home the whole time. As I've gotten older, I've realized that more people feel the same as I do about being introverted and I've discovered that it's not a flaw. I've also discovered and developed new parts of my personality and this test's explanation of me was just so helpful.

There are other people like you, but you are still pretty unique. You're not alone, but you're also a very special individual. Everyone is. Isn't that cool?


  1. I think it is great that you are taking the time to learn more about yourself. Often times we go through life without taking the time to take an honest look at who we are. As fun as personality tests are, I find that the best way to learn more about yourself is to take a step outside of yourself. Our test results will not be held responsible for the people we become. Everyone is unique, everyone has challenges and flaws. Our job is to find how we can use our special traits to better the world around us.Now that you have learned more about yourself, how will you use that knowledge?

  2. I think that its important to understand ourselves and understand how we function.

    There is nothing wrong with being this way or that way. I think that we just have to find who we are and embrace it.

    I think I need to focus more on finding who I am and then accepting it.

  3. Lon Say -

    First, awesome blog layout.

    Second... I'M INFJ TOO!! I had no idea that only 1% of the world has it. We can sign each other's autographs after class one of these days. I took this test for the first time last week as well for my Organizational Behavior class. I haven't read to much about it but you've got me excited to read more.

    Third - My thoughts and contribution to your blog. I've always enjoyed these types of tests. I think it's good to be self aware of who you are and how you interact with the world. Of course you shouldn't live your life by it, but they're fun and insightful.

  4. Great post! I really like the confidence that this gives me. I am me and whatever that happens to be is awesome! I like how you portrayed the idea that everybody, no matter what type of personality they might have, has an important role in the world. We each fill a need unique to us. Difference isn't negative, it's just different, and usually that difference is an amazing thing.
